Thursday, February 19, 2009

Paper Clips

So, I mentioned in my last blog about a movie called Paper Clips. In this movie, a school in Whitwell, Tennesse started an after school project to learn about the holocaust. The whole paper clip idea came when someone wanted to know how much 6 million people was. So the teachers had the students come up with something they can collect 6 million of, so the kids choose paper clips. Along with collecting paper clips they also learned about the holocaust and had visiting speakers who had surved the holocaust tell their stories. Overall, I think that this project was very useful to teach the students about prejudism and the teachers emphasised how a lot of people have predjudist view points. However, the documentary did not talk about what the students learned outside of the basics of what happened and the predjudists. I would have liked to see maybe a little more historical information. I also would have liked to see them connect these violent acts to other violent acts, maybe even some that we as Americans did to others. Of course, the video did not tell us everything they learned, so it is possible that they did tell the kids this information. However, overall I think it is a great idea and that it is obvious that it did have an impact on some of these children. 

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